Mechanimal Releases Album, Secret Science


Greek/American group, Mechanimal, has just released their debut album, Secret Science, today via Inner Ear Records. Meant to “speak of the need for survival,” the album is said to “recount tales of a restless urban environment.” Featuring ten, wicked tracks, ranging from post and synth punk, to urban beats, the album organically shows the ingenuity behind Mechanimal’s intentions. Here’s more on the album:

“Each track, as a lyric theatrical one-act, opens new avenues to the sonic palette of the band, where narrative aphorisms, analogue synthesizers, underground dub rhythmic passages and angry guitars compose the unique code of their ‘secret science’. Ten drone ‘n’ roll stories from those you do not hear in the news, but rather discover in the streets of a city that stays awake by the sounds of sirens.” -Mechanimal

For us at The French Shuffle, it provides an interesting look into a modern arena – each track introduces a different element of life (angst, darkness, uncertainty, and more). Here’s the track list off of the Secret Science LP:

1. Kindergarten

2. Sehnsucht

3. Cutting Communications

4. Secret Science

5. We Come Alive

6. The Den

7. Ode To Europe

8. Always Drifting

9. Song To The Sirens

10. Down In The Basement

Our favorite track off of the release is We Come Alive, which you can find below:

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”150″ iframe=”true” /]

We’re really proud of this Greek/American group – what they’ve done is remarkable. Between leading us on an adventure, shocking us with massive soundscapes & stern vocals, and fusing multiple genres together, they’ve really impressed us – show some support for Mechanimal and Inner Ear Records:






Inner Ear Records

