Mr. Oizo’s Amicalement

Mr. Oizo

Released just last year, Amicalement (which means “Regards” in French) is a single released by master of electro, Mr.Oizo, in 2013, as a free single on his website and also a 12” as well. The record includes 4 tracks: Unibat, Solid, Waltz-E-More, and Lovin’.

Unibat is a peculiar track mixing together Oizo’s trademark sound effects with a sweet bass riff every so often. Solid is the main feature of the album featuring the controversial Marilyn Manson who would star in Oizo’s independent 3-parter, Wrong Cops, later that year, as a dorky brace-wearing teenager confused about the real side of music.

Waltz-E-More is a short one and half minutes of finger-tapping beats infused with Oizo’s peculiar essence of electronic music. Last on the album is Lovin’, which samples the obscurity which is Ashford & Simpson’s It’s a Rush, bringing the single to an extremely positive climax.

Download Amicalement here.

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Mr. Oizo



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